Happiness.. Pleasure.. Would this be achievable?? Is it sustainable??

How do I survive happily, how can I be glad?


Happiness is such that everybody desires it, everyone wants to keep it with them, but happiness isn't always with us. People do everything in life to be satisfied, but it's not simple to be always happy, but if we wish to change all these little aspects, we can lead a happy life by excluding misconception. How can I be happy with any of this? I'll inform you of some adaptions that you can consciously adopt in life to be happy and live a sustained happy life. These secrets with which we can be happy and sought to bring happiness in our life are simple choices in life.

Everyone's first responsibility is to become a happier person in this universe. Being happy is not the remarkable side of human nature, but it is the fundamental element of our life, which ensures that we can remain sad and happy whenever and wherever we want.

Many individuals tend to feel depressed as they start comparing themselves to others, at that point they neglect what they have, rather they only notice those stuff which is better than theirs. Here in this article, for all these people, I share some of these stuff with you that we can adjust for starting to lead a good life by being happy, by eliminating this misconception from within us.

Have you posed this question or someone you know has asked you these questions?

How to be happy?
Path to happiness?

This global community needs a person who is happy, so why don't we first become a person who knows how to spend every moment with happiness?

Let's dive on those things that we can follow in order to be happier inside ourselves and we can teach someone else these simple concepts of happiness by becoming a happy human.

Facets to be happy and to live happily

Choose to be happy
Do what you love

o Tell yourself one thing and accept in your head that my pleasure is in my hand.

o Do not be sad or disheartened if the world doubts your strength because doubt is done only on the purity of gold and not on the purity of iron.

Where are you happy
Find your happy place

o Pay close attention to those who annoy you and start tossing toxic energy out of your life, spend time with those who can make you happier.

o Your greatest pleasure is in doing the work that people say you cannot do. Don't let people get into your head and make you think that it is difficult for you to do a specific task. You can do anything that you focus your mind into. 

o Life is weird, one doesn't sleep on a sad night, and no one wants to sleep on a happy night. If something makes you sad, either look for a way or just don't think about it at that time and resume the next morning.

Find Yourself
Discover true you

o Discover yourself, know what you want in life. Look in the mirror and do the things you want and make you happy.

o Give importance to everyone in your life, those who are good will give you happiness and those who are bad will teach lessons.

o Keep people in your life who are helpful and have great ideas.

o The reason for your grief/unhappiness is no one else but “YOU” yourself, make any change in yourself that you see can make you a better person, you will be happy.

o Select a bunch of flowers and put them inside your house in front of the entrance. Smell and vivid colours of flowers happen to imbibe happy emotions within us.

Confidence booster
Wear what you like

o Wear your favourite clothes. Wearing clothing that you like makes you feel good about yourself, making you happy and giving self-confidence.

o The amount of happiness that's nice is that much that sits in your palm. As the spilling out, slipping off the happiness always ends up being influenced by someone's evil eye.

o Remember, there was a morning when we used to wake up laughing, but today there are days when we haven’t smiled the whole day.

Smile as often

o Life is the simplest thing, it should not ruin the planet by being sad, learning how to be happy every moment by not paying attention to negative people and bad events. Bad days are going to pass after some time. Since nothing is eternal in life. Learn to get away from people and stuff that makes you miserable. Try to smile in the most stressful moments. Tough moments are there to guide you on how to make yourself stronger.

o The happiest and biggest pleasure of life is stuck in our little moments, which only you can free. People pursue happiness without appreciating the short moments of happiness in life. Think of a time where you were the happiest in life, now start making a video of the times when you were happy. What do you see were they tiny joys of life or the sheer delight you're chasing? Someone wise said happiness is on the journey and not the end destination.

o Take your phone and actually talk to someone you care deeply for, but have never spoken to for the longest time, you'll really be glad to have conversed.

o Betrayals can be readily discovered in life, but opportunities are hard to come by, but you can make this your opportunity where you can choose to be happy.

o Do not allow your life the potential to feel miserable, do not leave any space for that feeling in your life to pop in.

o Believe in yourself, you can do anything that you set your mind towards. Remember things first in the head and then the action follows.

Good vibes
Be around driven and happy people

o By giving happiness to other people, you will be happier in life.

o Think today is the only day that you have for living, don't spoil it. Be determined to be happy as your religion is to be happy.

o Spend more time with passionate people or read about someone who inspires you.

o Seeing someone happy should not make you unhappy, it is not a bad time for you. Be happy seeing others happy and it is not hard to be happy. Be contained with what you have and learn to be satisfied with what you have. The more things you chase after, it will only make you unhappier in life. Don’t buy anything until it has a purpose in your life. Keep minimalist of things in your life.

o Tell those people in your life whom you love that you love them, you will be happy without any reason.

o Look at the thing/person that makes you happy. Take a step towards your destination.

o Say or sing what makes you happy.

Feeling of happiness
Touch nature

o Touch something that makes you happy. A cat, a velvet, a tree bark etc. it can be anything for you.

o Spend time with a good friend.

o You cannot gather happiness by being unhappy for tomorrow, you have no idea of tomorrow, you don’t even know if there will be a tomorrow, so just be happy today.

o Do something you've never done before, but you've always wanted to, that will give you a sense of accomplishment and open your mind to new experiences.

o A day is approaching that you won't have the time to be sad, because now you're learning to be happy in the present time.

o Teach yourself to be around positive people.

o Do not resent yourself by getting affected by the bad words of others. Some may say you are the monster, according to their perception as some people tend to project their reflection on others rather than looking inside themselves.

o Close your eyes and focus on positive things.

o Change your habits/thinking which brings unhappiness in life.

Playtime with children
Spend time with children

o Spend time with children.

o Wake up every day in the morning and be determined to be happy today.

Only being happy doesn't work, together with that, we still have to take care of our bodies. If we have a healthy body, then we have it all. If we have a fit body, then we can face any sort of problem, so it's really vital to maintain our body. Let us know some of the ways to manage a healthy lifestyle. So here below, I've provided ways to live a healthier life.

Few approaches to living a healthy life and to be happy

Praise other people

  • Pay attention to other people, do not pay attention to the bad in them, take a close look at what is good in them. Try your best to see the goodness in them. If you see some goodness in them, tell them, appreciate them in front of them.

Help yourself

  • Improve yourself while you help someone out. With this characteristic, you will forget your resentment, your envy, your misunderstandings and your wrong decisions, and start a new one.

Get up early from bed

  • A person who gets up early in the morning, complete their work quickly and successfully. Your mind and body need rest, so get a full sleep. Sleep early in the night and wake up early in the morning so that you will have the energy to work.

Do Exercise and eat well

  • Wake up early in the morning, go for a run and do light exercise and eat well. Pay attention to your body. It is found out that people who are healthy, they are happy in life, so take care of your body, eat well and do light exercises.

Build strong relationships with family and friends

  • Not all friends are true, but if you make them feel that you are their best friend and can do anything for them then they will never be able to betray you. Build strong relationships with your friends and family. When you need them, they can help you and if they need your help, then you can help them.


  • To clear your mind, sit for a while and take deep breathes. Empty your mind and heart. A healthy body develops with a healthy mind and a healthy soul.

Work hard

  • Focus so hard in every job that other people often expect you to complete the toughest of tasks. You're going to get happiness with hard work.

Set yourself a goal and reach that goal

  • Some people leave their house to get happiness and success but they never get happiness and success, because they did not choose any destination where they want to reach. They did not know where they were going. You first choose what you want in life and then step towards it, you can find your destination happily.

Recognize your weakness

  • Focus on yourself that your happiness is hidden in what you are doing. If you are doing something wrong, then pay attention to it, maybe you are the reason for your unhappiness. Identify your weaknesses and fix them. If you have any deficiency in yourself, which are making you sad, then exclude them, you will be happy yourself.

Don’t compare yourself to others

  • People often equate themselves to others, contrasting their shortcomings with the strengths of others instead of focusing on their own strengths and gradually improving their shortcomings. Think and understand, seeing someone else's 100 rupees, don't start loosing your 10 rupees. Learn how to complete your job with the 10 rupees you have. Learn to be content for what you've got, you can do it.

I've told you ways to be happy and live a healthier life here, hope you like it and learn to be happy by implementing it.

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Unknown said…
It is indeed a pleasure to have read this and also the fact that you have with extreme subtlety pointed out so much that a person misses in his everyday life that there is so much around him that can make him happy. Your eye for observation & choice of words is astounding.
Thanks for your kind words, it gives me courage to write more. Yes there is so much around a person that can make him happy, a person who cannot stop to look around him and chasing worldly happiness can never be happy as he can never be satisfied wih what he is getting.